Researcher, Teaching Assistant and PhD Student
Department of Computer EngineeringBoğaziçi University

Türkçe sürümü için buraya tıklayınız.



  1. O. Aran, İ. Arı, A. Benoit, P. Campr, A. H. Carrillo, F. X. Fanard, L. Akarun, A. Caplier, and B. Sankur, "SignTutor: An Interactive System for Sign Language Tutoring", IEEE Multimedia, Vol 16, 2009.
  2. O. Aran, İ. Arı, P. Campr, E. Dikici, M. Hruz, S. Parlak, L. Akarun, and M. Saraçlar, "Speech and Sliding Text Aided Sign Retrieval from Hearing Impaired Sign News Videos", Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, Springer, 2008.

International Conference and Workshop Proceedings

  1. İ. Arı, A. T. Cemgil, and L. Akarun, "The Power of Less: Exemplar-based Automatic Transcription of Polyphonic Piano Music," 6th International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music held in Conjunction with the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD'13), Prag, Czech Republic, 2013.
  2. İ. Arı,  A. T. Cemgil, and L. Akarun, "Probabilistic Interpolative Decomposition," IEEE 22nd Int'l Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), Santander, Spain, 2012.  | Presentation
  3. İ. Arı,  U. Şimşekli, A. T. Cemgil, and L. Akarun, "Large Scale Polyphonic Music Transcription Using Randomized Matrix Decompositions," 20th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Bucharest, 2012. | Poster
  4. B. E. Demiröz, İ. Arı, O. Eroğlu, A. A. Salah, and L. Akarun, "Feature based Tracking on a Multi-Omnidirectional Camera Dataset", International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP), Rome, 2012.
  5. B. E. Demiröz, İ. Arı, A. Ronzhin, A. Çoban, H. Yalçın, A. Karpov, and L. Akarun, "Multimodal Assisted Living Environment", Proceedings of eNTERFACE 2011, The Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Pilsen, 2011.
  6. C. Keskin, İ. Arı, T. Eren, F. Kıraç, L. Rybok, H. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen, and L. Akarun, "Vision Based Hand Puppet," Proceedings of eNTERFACE 2010, The Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, 2010, pp. 10-17.
  7. İ. Arı, A. Uyar, and L. Akarun, " Facial Feature Tracking and Expression Recognition for Sign Language", International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS), Istanbul, Turkey, 2008.
  8. O. Aran, İ. Arı, P. Campr, E. Dikici, M. Hruz, D. Kahramaner, S. Parlak, L. Akarun, and M. Saraçlar, "Speech and Sliding Text Aided Sign Retrieval from Hearing Impaired Sign News Videos", Proceedings of eNTERFACE 2007, The Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Istanbul, 2007[see the journal article version]
  9. O. Aran, İ. Arı, A. Benoit, A. H. Carrillo, F. Fanard, P. Campr, L. Akarun, A. Caplier, M. Rombaut, and B. Sankur, "SignTutor: An Interactive Sign Language Tutoring Tool", Proceedings of eNTERFACE 2006, The Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Dubrovnik, 2006[see the journal article version]

National Conference Proceedings (in Turkish)

  1. İ. Arı, A. T. Cemgil, and L. Akarun, "Çok-öbekli Veri için Aradeğerlemeci Ayrışım (ID for Data with Multiple Clusters)," IEEE 21st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, Girne, 2013. | Presentation (HTMLPDF) [IEEE Best Paper Award, Alper Atalay Best Paper Award]
  2. İ. Arı, U. Şimşekli, A. T. Cemgil, and L. Akarun, "TDA-tabanlı Çoksesli Müzik Notalandırma (SVD-based Polyphonic Music Transcription)," IEEE 20st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, Fethiye, 2012. | Presentation [IEEE Best Paper Candidate]
  3. İ. Arı, F. O. Alsaran, and L. Akarun, "Görü-tabanlı Gerçek-zamanlı Duygu Tanıma (Vision-based Real-time Emotion Recognition)," IEEE 19th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, Antalya, 2011.
  4. İ. Arı, Y. Açıköz, "Pinotator ile Hızlı İmge İşaretleme (Fast Image Annotation with Pinotator)," IEEE 19th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, 2011.
  5. İ. Arı, H. Gao, H. K. Ekenel and L. Akarun, "Yüz Nirengi Noktala-rının Zamansal Öz-benzerliğine ve Kelime Çantasına Dayalı Yüz İfadesi ve Kafa Hareketi Tanıma (Facial Expression and Head Gesture Recognition Using Temporal Self-similarity and Bag of Words of Facial Landmarks)", IEEE 18th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, Diyarbakır, 2010. | Poster
  6. İ. Arı and L. Akarun, "Yüz Özniteliklerinin Takibi ve İşaret Dili için İfade Tanıma (Facial Feature Tracking and Expression Recognition for Sign Language)," IEEE 17th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, Antalya, 2009.
  7. O. Aran, İ. Arı, A. Güvensan, H. Haberdar, Z. Kurt, İ. Türkmen, A. Uyar, and L. Akarun, "Türk İşaret Dili Yüz İfadesi ve Baş Hareketi Veritabanı (A Database of Non-Manual Signs in Turkish Sign Language)", IEEE 15th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, Eskişehir, 2007.

MS Thesis

İsmail Arı, "Facial Feature Tracking and Expression Recognition for Sign Language," MS Thesis, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2008.

Abstract | Turkish abstract | Turkish presentation

The facial expression analysis research is done using BUHMAP database.

My MS thesis has been published as a book by Lambert Academic Publishing.


2008 – 201?
PhD, Department of Computer EngineeringBoğaziçi University
2009 – 2010
Research visit, CVHCI-Lab, Institute for Anthropomatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
2006 – 2008
MS, Department of Computer EngineeringBoğaziçi University
2001 – 2006
BS, Department of Computer EngineeringBoğaziçi University
1999 – 2001
Bilecik Science High School
1998 – 1999
Kocaeli Körfez Science High School

Workshops & Summerschools

eNTERFACE'11 The SIMILAR NoE Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Aug 1-26, Pilsen.
ENS/INRIA Visual Recognition and Machine Learning Summer School, Jul 25-29, Paris.
eNTERFACE'10 The SIMILAR NoE Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Jul 12 - Aug 6, Amsterdam.
FACETS CodeJam Workshop #3, Oct 7-9, Freiburg.
Advanced Scientific Programming in Python, Aug 31 - Sep 4, Berlin.
eNTERFACE'07 The SIMILAR NoE Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Jul 16 - Aug 10, Istanbul.
eNTERFACE'06 The SIMILAR NoE Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Jul 17 - Aug 11, Dubrovnik.

Teaching Experience (Assisted Courses at Boğaziçi University)

CmpE362 Introduction to Signal Processing for Computer Engineers
CmpE343 Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Computer Engineers
CmpE300 Analysis of Algorithms
CmpE343 Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Computer Engineers
Phys494 Applied Fourier Analysis
CmpE300 Analysis of Algorithms
CmpE210 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (using C++)
CmpE260 Principles of Programming Languages
CmpE464 Image Processing for Computer Graphics
CmpE160 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (using C++)
CmpE320 Principles of Programming Languages
CmpE320 Principles of Programming Languages
CmpE450 Software Engineering
Phys494 Applied Fourier Analysis
CmpE450 Software Engineering
Phys494 Applied Fourier Analysis
CmpE150 Introduction to Computing (using C)
Phys499 Data Structures and Algorithms
Eng110 Introduction to Computers

Research Projects (Some research projects involved)

Multimodal Assisted Living Environment
Funded by ESF
Vision based Hand Puppet
Funded by UVA
2009 – 2012
Gesture Based Human Computer Interaction in Emergency Management Systems (GEMS)
Funded by The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK)
2006 – 2010
Sign Language Tutor
Funded by The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK)
A Multimodal Framework for the Communication of Disabled
Funded by SIMILAR
Sign Language Tutoring Tool
Funded by SIMILAR

Awards & Achievements

SİU 2013 IEEE Best Paper Award, SİU 2013 Alper Atalay Best Paper Award.
DAAD research scholarship for spending a semester in Karlsruhe, Germany.
Rank #1 (with another student) among M.S. graduates of Computer Engineering, Boğaziçi University
Turkey 41st in Selection Examination for Graduate Studies (ALES)
Honor Graduate of Computer Engineering, Boğaziçi University
Mümin Tansever Club Activities Award (given to 2 club members among all 2006 graduates of the university)
Turkey 348th in Selection Examination for Graduate Studies (LES)
Turkey 318th in Turkish University Exam out of more than 1 million students (ÖSS)


Açık Ders
Video lectures (in Turkish) lecturer
TİD Sözlüğü
Turkish Sign Language Dictionary. developer, designer
Turkish Sign Language Resources Page
A Visual Dictionary for Turkish Sign Language. supervisor
BUHMAP Facial Expression and Head Motion Video Database
Boğaziçi University Head Motion Analysis Project Database. collector, maintainer
A sign language dictionary in which a user writes a word or phrase and search its sign in the pre-recorded videos. designer
Face Morphing
Morphed faces of my professors in BS as a clip. implementation, designer
Yazılım Kardeşliği
An invitation page to encourage the Turkish speaking coders to commit to Stackoverflow TR proposal on Area51. content, maintainer
Personal homepage and blog (in Turkish) blogger
ismailari on web
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